A team of 30 people was enlisted to ensure a polar bear got checked by a dentist. Nurses, keepers, firefighters and vets composed the team that helped the dentist do an exam.
Key takeaways:
– The polar bear had a discolored tooth which caught the attention of park keepers at the Yorkshire Wildlife Park.
– The dental checkup of all the 42 teeth and an x-ray took about two hours.
– Victor, the bear, appeared well relaxed after the successful procedure. The exam showed nothing was amiss and no treatment was necessary.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park drafted in rangers, nurses, vets, firefighters and a dentist to inspect Victor’s teeth after keepers spotted one tooth was a different colour.
Read the full story here
I’m Matthew Houlton, principal dentist and practice owner of Manor House Dental Practice.
Qualified from Sheffield dental hospital in 1993.
Post graduate training with Paul Tipton (Specialist Prosthodontist) from 2005-2007.
Diploma for Membership of the Faculty of General Dental Practice (UK) 2007.
Special interest in Orthodontics.
Yorkshire Deanary Fixed Appliance Training Scheme 2002-2004.
I have worked at York Hospital’s orthodontic department one session a week since 2009.
Member of the British Society of Occlusal Studies (the study of temporomandibular disorder).
I have two children, who keep me busy when I am not at the practice. I take a keen interest in and teach Aikido, a martial art, to keep a healthy mind and body.